Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Providence Artist: Jacqueline Ott

When I first moved to Providence in 2000, I had a small one-bedroom apartment on the east side, was attending the CE program at RISD and all the while, working as a marketing intern for a web design company called Shazamm. The only thing I was lacking was my own studio, but thanks to RISD Artworks, I quickly found a small space on Union St. in the old Telephone Building. At the time, I didn’t know anything about renting work spaces in Providence. However, I did know that I could afford the rent on this particular space, and that I was to write my rent checks out to one, Ms. Jacqueline Ott.

As time progressed, I quickly realized that the space wasn’t that great, but that my studio mate was. On the rare occasion that we happened to be in the studio at the same time, I would stop by Jacqueline’s space, just a doorway away, meander in and say hi. She was always pleasant, rather calming in her disposition, frequently sporting black and hunched over a table in what was, a very white and rustic workspace. It’s interesting to say this, but at the time, I had no conscience interest in patterns, but I was immediately drawn to her work and her process. I thought wow, how insanely meticulous, but yet, so meditative her work was. And to this day, it still is.

Just recently I looked Jacqueline up on the “interweb” and came across this fabulous YouTube video thanks to the NetWorks 2008 Project. Watching this totally reminded me of all the things I love about Jacqueline and her work. Even nine years later, they remain to be a source of perpetual inspiration! Be sure to keep an eye out for Jacqueline’s work in the New England area and abound, it will definitely pop up and is totally worth checking out…

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